Analyst Report

Frost Radar: Global SD-WAN Vendor Market

Frost & Sullivan rated Versa Networks as #1 in innovation after conducting extensive interviews and research and performing a detailed analysis of leading vendors in the global SD-WAN market.
Frost Radar: Global SD-WAN Vendor Market 2020

Frost & Sullivan’s global team of analysts and consultants continuously research the growing SD-WAN market across multiple industries and locations. As part of this ongoing research, Frost & Sullivan identifies companies that consistently develop new growth strategies based on a visionary understanding of the future, and thus more effectively address new challenges and opportunities of the SD-WAN market.

In this report, Frost & Sullivan SD-WAN vendor market is the infrastructure market consisting of SD-WAN hardware and software. The SD-WAN overlay functionality is delivered using a physical or virtual appliance. While most vendors offer a physical hardware appliance that hosts the SD-WAN software, there are vendors that predominantly sell only the software. Leading SD-WAN vendor solutions come with integrated security, WAN optimization, and routing capabilities.

Frost & Sullivan compares the top SD-WAN vendors by rating their growth and innovation capabilities and rated Versa Networks as #1 in innovation amongst all leading global SD-WAN vendors.

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