0:03 As a service provider, you know the multiple challenges you're facing today in leading a successful managed service business. 0:10 You're feeling the pressure to generate new revenue streams more rapidly while improving the profitability and service agility of your existing network and security services. 0:20 As you address these challenges, a solution based on network function virtualization NFV can provide many of the needed answers. 0:29 Specifically, virtualized network functions, or VNFS, are a powerful resource to create new, high value managed services and reduce operational costs and deployment times. 0:41 How is this different from today's traditional hardware based approach? 0:45 In short, proprietary and costly appliances are no longer needed in many use cases. 0:51 Providers can rapidly create new services and update existing ones using software based VNFS running on commodity hardware services that range from lightweight virtual CPE based managed connectivity to new high value managed services like SD, Wan and Internet access control and security. 1:10 To enable these types of next generation managed services, Versa has developed the broadest set of virtualized network and security functions that are purpose built in software and leverage advances in commercial off the shelf hardware. 1:24 Versa V and FS are designed from the ground up to be carrier grade. 1:28 They're multi tenant and highly elastic, instantly scalable up and down to meet customers needs while minimizing your capital costs. 1:37 Automated and programmable to make your services more agile to deploy and less expensive to manage and multi service with Service chaining to enable the rapid creation and easy operation of rich multi function services. 1:51 Service providers can utilize Versa VNFS to create managed services that are deployed in minutes. 1:58 Deployment and operational costs for new services are significantly reduced and in many cases, customers can purchase a new service via a self-service portal with zero touch from the provider. 2:10 The result? 2:11 Faster delivery of services at reduced costs, increased profit and higher customer satisfaction. 2:18 With Versa and its broad set of VNFS, you can deliver a range of managed service offerings to grow revenue and address new market opportunities. 2:27 For example, a thin customer branch based on VCPE and base connectivity coupled with deeper network and security services in the POP or data center. 2:36 Or a thick customer branch with a set of VNFS including SD Wan deployed locally on low cost hardware versus VNF based solution. 2:46 Provides a new approach to making manage services more agile and software based. 2:52 The result is faster provisioning times down from months to hours and up to an 80% reduction in the cost of building and operating managed services. 3:03 Empower your managed services business through versa.