0:01 Then how do we, what are we doing for shadow IT discovery and MDCA and ENTRA integration? 0:10 So here what happens is that like so shadow IT discovery is that somebody is not convinced that the the employees are even going to like questionable SAS applications. 0:26 So what they want is that they want they want to they want first of all, visibility. 0:31 What are my employees doing? 0:33 So this is step one. 0:34 The log from the enterprise is edge router or edge firewall are sent in something called as a Sep format towards analytics, which is step one. 0:46 Versa Analytics massages it and then transform these logs and then and then Versa Analytics will show you itself and Versa Concerto portal that he your employees are going to all of these SAS applications which are questionable ratings. 1:04 They don't have data. 1:07 I mean they don't do encryption for data at rest. 1:10 They don't do encryption for data in transit. 1:13 They are hosted in data centers which don't have proper compliances and and and they are also leaking in personal information. 1:23 So tons of metrics on which are SAS, the application can be graded. 1:29 So all of this the words and versa itself will show you. 1:33 But some, some customers want to also see the same information in MDCA, which is Microsoft defend of a cloud application. 1:40 So they want to see in the Microsoft portal. 1:42 So you would send the same logs of some some transformation to Microsoft Defender, I mean Microsoft MDCA for cloud application. 1:53 And now the SoC admin can go to the Microsoft portal and mark our application to be unsanctioned and that information is picked up by the MDCA and Micro service of Versa Advanced security and it is sent to all the Versa cloud gateways. 2:14 So these shows the various steps. 2:16 So in order to save time I have and not animated them. 2:22 So all of this information is sent to the what's the cloud gateways and and so they will do the enforcement of unsanctioned act. 2:31 So this is what we do for what's the cloud for, for unsanctioned apps and integration with MDCA. 2:40 Then same thing is true with Intra. 2:43 So intra is the new name for Azure already. 2:47 So, so users, they normally belong to groups and the membership of the group changes. 2:55 Some users. 2:57 Users are removed from a group because they leave the company, they join a different organization within the company and new users are added because new employees join or they change jobs within the company. 3:11 So here what happens is that the Warsaw Intra microservice it learns about all the changes to user end group as well as some UE BA information also we get from ENTRA. 3:24 And so that is sent the user group information is sent to to all the the Versa gateways on premises as well as in the cloud. 3:38 And they can now do proper enforcement based on groups. 3:43 And we also make use of some UE BA information which Entra can support like the user is logging on from infrequent like unknown, unknown laptops or unknown, which we also do. 3:56 But if somebody wants to also rely on Antra for the same information, we can take that as well or they are logging on from unknown destination. 4:07 So there was intra and then ingesting customer threat feed. 4:12 So so Versa has something called versa aspects the security packages.