0:02 Now we are adding a comprehensive user rescore and device rescore. 0:08 So what happens is that a lot of endpoints may already have EDR like Crowd Strike or or Microsoft Defender 365 or they may even have something like a UEM like Intune. 0:23 So we want to take feedback from all of this before determining whether and we want to give the flexibility to the admin that how much weight to give to what a cloud strike things about the posture of a device or what does Microsoft Defender 365 things for the posture of a device. 0:42 So, so, so we are so we already support all of this, but we are moving some of this to avoid advanced security cloud for a better scale. 0:51 So here are the micro service corresponding to Microsoft Defender 365 and Crowd Strike. 0:58 These are part of the Versa Advanced Security Cloud. 1:01 And the UEM is a user endpoint management. 1:04 This is in tune. 1:06 So, so this is like so we are giving we are we are enabling the admin to make to to take threat Intel from various sources like Microsoft Defender 365 UEM Crowd Strike and other sources as well and make a informed decision along with what Versa UEBA gives and versa SASE clan gives. 1:30 So the first thing here like the versa SASE clan, which again Michael alluded to it provides the tons of information to the versa SASE gateway about like does this does this have any kind of anti malware, anti spam, anti phishing? 1:49 Does it have anything disk encryption and does this end point have the latest OS and latest aspect for the OS service pack for the OS as well As for anti malware and anti phishing. 2:05 And so all of this information is reported to the Versa Cloud Gateway and the Versa Cloud Gateways provides all of this information to the Versa Advanced Security Cloud and that is again sent to the device for its computer score or micro service. 2:21 And similarly worse, the advance that these two micro services, Microsoft Defender 365 endpoint as well as crowd strike, they also get information what does the Crowd strike or Microsoft Defender 365 thing about the posture of a particular endpoint. 2:41 And so all of that is again fed to the device risk score, computer and micro service. 2:47 And so this is one set of input threat intel. 2:51 And then there is additional which is coming from Versa UEBA like so the Versa Cloud gateways gets tons of logs and all these analytics logs they get sent to Versa Analytics, Versa Analytics gives it to Versa UEBA and Versa UEBA. 3:09 Basically it gives it to again the device risk score computer and same thing from UEMS like in tune. 3:19 And so based on all of this, the admin can say that I want to give equal weights to different sources of threat Intel. 3:26 I want to give more weight to say what is the UEBA and and based on that we will create. 3:34 We create a weighted sum and for the device will score and that microservice then pushes that information to all the IT pushes it to all the versa cloud gateways which is here as well as Versa instances in in enterprise locations, Versa appliances in as the for example this could be as the van device which is unable for security or versa instances in the cloud like GCP or Azure or AWS. 4:13 So now they can do enforcement based on what we call as the DRS and we do the same thing for user rescore as well. 4:21 But this, all of this is a collective threat Intel from various sources. 4:25 It is not just versa. 4:27 We will take a threat Intel from any source.