00:00:00 hi this is Clint from Versa this is a short video on the Cyber ratings Cloud Next Generation F report that just came out in April so they tested out 11 different firewall vendors including Versa paloalto networks 4et and others uh the top performers um were palto networks Versa Juniper uh 40 net and force point in terms of security effect effess cyber ratings rank Versa in the top three in security Effectiveness among the 11 vendors tested for routing and policy enforcement Versa passed all routing and 00:00:42 policy enforcement tests in terms of TLS and SSL functionality Versa P all tests in terms of exploit block bye Versa blocks virtually all historical exploits in terms of exploit coverage for top vendors Versa had a perfect score for exploit coverage for top vendors in terms of rated throughput cyber rating scores Versa throughput the highest of all vendors tested so the Versa NextGen firewall can be deployed Standalone as an appliance or a VM it's also part of every single Versa estan Appliance it's also present 00:01:24 in every Versa SS Gateway so from our founding in 20 2012 Verse has converged a security solution and a networking solution into a unified data plane so anywhere you put this verse a data plane you have a modern security stack and a modern Network stack at your disposal and this security stack is cyber ratings recommended and the network stack is ranked number one by Gardner for sdwan for the large Global Wan use case so this is a very compelling combo we're getting really strong security really strong networking 00:02:06 in a single data plane so this rolls in diverse unified SASE giving customers a unified data plane for Security Network a single control plane for SASE a single management plane a single data Lake and then complete multi-tenancy spanning both sdw and ssse so in the vers a solution since our ssse gateways are SN Savvy they can sit directly on the Enterprise SN overlay which is the most elegant way to weave ssse into the Enterprise sdwan and multi-tenancy spans both so if you want to have different networks for 00:02:50 corporate stores and OT they can span both W Edge and ssse and then if we look at how how does Versa unified SASE compare with single vendor SASE so single vendor SASE frequently involves a vendor taking multiple different solutions for sdw firewall and ssse and bolting them together and trying to get those to a single pane of glass of management yet really under the covers it's multiple Solutions connected together so in our solution we can enforce your security policy either at the SS Gateway or Wan 00:03:30 Edge it's your choice in addition we're leveraging sdwan uh for connectivity from uh the WAN Edge to the SS gateways this gives us the most elegant way to connect these two edges together uh it also helps if there's any uh packet loss or transmit problems between Wan Edge and ssse SS Edge our sum magic can mitigate that with most of our competitors they're still running more primitive IPC tunnels from W edge to ssse edge that don't mitigate against those problems we then leverage that overlay to send traffic from Wan edge to sase 00:04:12 edge in addition if there's any work from anywhere users going to the Gateway going back to the Enterprise Network will'll leverage that overlay to get the traffic back into uh the Enterprise Network for private app access and then once again we have this very powerful multi-tenancy that spans Versa sdwan and versa ssse so for each tenant let's say corporate network storage Network OT Network we can have a different SN overlay different SN keys different security policy different network policy 00:04:47 so the most complete segmentation between different networks but leveraging common management uh control plane and data plane all the way out to W Edge in our solution we also give you a single data Lake for Security Network a single set of apis for security and network uh a single set of security logs for both on-prem security and ssse security for licensing we offer both um user or bwith based licensing so this bandwith based licensing can be a godsend for large Enterprise let's say a 100,000 employees but maybe lightly 00:05:23 using sase for work from anywhere in our model you can have a couple modestly um uh allocated gateways with some sort of bandwith allowance and put all 100,000 employees on those and dramatically lower your price per user per year for ssse services and then for those customers who adopt Versa for both ssse and sdwan we have some incentives allow you to drive the cost of unified SASE dramatically lower we hope it's useful thanks a bunch have a great day