Redefine the way you connect, protect, and simplify your network.
Versa helps enterprises significantly reduce their WAN connectivity costs by seamlessly integrating Internet, LTE, and broadband alongside MPLS.
Versa Secure SD-WAN enable network teams to remove the barriers that legacy WAN and branch architectures have placed on strategic IT projects and business processes.
Versa eliminates appliance sprawl in the branch office with a software-based approach to SD-WAN and security functions.
Our solution, powered by Versa networking and security software along with commodity hardware, offers several crucial capabilities for enterprises:
Implemented at data centers, clouds, and branch sites, enhancing service agility and significantly reducing capital and operating costs.
Implemented at data centers, clouds, and branch sites, enhancing service agility and significantly reducing capital and operating costs.
Provides flexibility to scale network resources as needed.Zero-Touch Provisioning
Simplifies network setup and management.
Solid Product Capability
“Versa Networks offers one of the broadest and most capable solutions in this market for both networking and secruity functions.”
Comprehensive Market Understanding
“Versa Networks has among the strongest understanding of the SD-WAN market in terms of buyers’ needs.”
Aligned Product Strategy
“Versa Networks has one of the most complete and comprehensive product strategies, compared with other vendors in this market, to align with current and future customer requirements.”
Colt chooses Versa for its “carrier-class, flexible and agile” Secure SD-WAN.
Mirko Voltolini, VP of Technology,Verizon chooses Versa because it “has the built-in services and features [they] need to operate at carrier-grade quality.
Shawn Hakl, Vice President,Orange picks Versa because “it’s an innovative approach in the NFV market” Secure SD-WAN.
Sylvain Desbureaux, Network Expert,