Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Secure Access Service Edge, or SASE, is an emerging cybersecurity concept. In this video, you understand how the key capabilities of SASE address the demands of growing network sprawl and the challenges of digitally transforming your business.

SASE ROI Calculator

Versa has made it simple for organizations to offer Secure SD-WAN for Work-From-Home users on home appliances or working from anywhere..

Top Energy Firm Achieves Comprehensive “Work-From-Anywhere” with Versa SASE

A large, publicly traded energy company operating in all areas of the oil and gas industry has dramatically simplified their network stack and realized huge cost savings with Versa SASE.

Availability and Buying Options in the Emerging SASE Market

EMA evaluates the different SASE vendors and their approaches to architecture, go-to-market, and support for their cloud-delivered and hybrid services.

Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure

Gartner Magic Quadrant report analyzes the various vendors in the WAN edge market and Versa is positioned as a Leader.

Versa Networks - Explained in 1 minute

Learn about the Versa Secure SD-WAN solution in a high-level, one minute overview.

Versa SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)

SASE is the simplest, most scalable way to continuously secure and connect the millions points of access in and out of the corporate resources regardless of location.

Versa Secure SD-WAN – Simple, Secure, and Reliable Branch to Multi-Cloud Connectivity

Versa Secure SD-WAN is a single software platform that offers multi-layered security and enables multi-cloud connectivity for Enterprises.

Versa Security

构建于网络 堆栈内的高级安全性。

Versa Security 增强了对本地、分支机构或云应用程序的保护,简化了安全与网络的互操作性。Versa Security 内建于 Versa SASE 之中,提供全套网络安全功能,全部通过一个单一管理平台进行集中管理,可让您实时获取可见性并强制执行策略。

Versa 通过提供下一代防火墙 (NGFW)、安全远程访问和统一威胁管理 (UTM) 服务,跨企业 WAN、分支机构和私有或公共云保护应用程序与用户活动,从而增强了 SASE 平台。组织最终能够保护其企业范围内的网络,同时提高多云应用程序性能,并显著降低成本。

和云 的扩张,攻击面不断增长


在网络中部署高级安全通常是一项挑战,而且组织缺少足够的 IT 人员和技能组合,使得集成第三方安全产品十分困难且昂贵。企业 IT 和安全团队有机会通过从专有安全设备迁移到直接嵌入网络的软件定义方法来提高网络安全性和简化操作:使安全部署和集成不再是问题。


Versa Security 嵌入至我们的旗舰产品 Versa SASE 中,为组织提供了多租户、多服务、弹性和零接触配置等关键功能。多服务功能和服务链可确保组织包含关键的安全功能,如下一代防火墙和安全 Web 网关,这些功能可以轻松集成到他们现有网络基础设施中。

Versa 已创建了大量虚拟安全功能,在基于 x86 的商用硬件上运行,这些功能是开放的,且完全可编程。提供商可创建基本托管防火墙服务或丰富的多功能服务(如统一威胁管理 (UTM)),以取代复杂的实体或虚拟设备。这些服务可在本地、提供商数据中心或云中、公共云中或者所有这些的组合中运行。所有这些安全功能都直接嵌入网络堆栈中,使 Versa 比第三方或专有安全硬件或软件包更具成本效益。


Versa 通过确保仅允许安全的流量访问您的敏感系统、应用程序和设备,减少组织的整体攻击面。可基于用户角色向其授予访问权限,并识别攻击特征以发现网络内外的可疑或恶意威胁。

Versa Security 使组织能够通过下一代防火墙、统一威胁管理、入侵检测和保护、防病毒、安全 VPN 等直接内置在旗舰 SASE 产品中的功能,阻止黑客和恶意行为者的行动。

提高 IT 和安全敏捷性

通过零接触配置功能提高 IT 和安全敏捷性,该功能支持在数小时内部署多功能 Versa 安全解决方案。将这一部署时间与需要数周或数月来安装和集成多个专有安全设备的第三方安全解决方案进行比较。

Versa Security 使用内置服务链轻松与现有安全软件和设备集成。通过 Versa Director 管理平台简化日常操作,该平台为所有 Versa 安全功能提供单一控制台和一组策略。容量通过 Versa Director 动态配置大大增加,新的安全功能也同样如此。


Versa 支持 IT 和安全团队以极低的资本成本设计新分支机构安全架构。Versa 部署在低成本的商用设备上,而不是使用专有硬件设备。



从行业思想领袖、分析师和 专家处了解有关 SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)、网络、安全、SD-WAN 和云的更多研究、分析和信息。


Next Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) Test Report

Versa Networks achieves a highly coveted “Recommended” rating in the NSS Labs Next Generation Intrusion Prevention Systems (NGIPS) group test.



Why is Security So Important for SD-WAN Deployments?

Understand the importance of security and the challenges that exist with implenting security with SD-WAN services, as well as solutions that squarely address the security challenges when deploying SD-WAN.



Fortifying Your Branch Security

Prevent security breaches, address enterprise challenges caused by legacy WAN and solve them with Versa’s Software-Defined Security.