Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Secure Access Service Edge, or SASE, is an emerging cybersecurity concept. In this video, you understand how the key capabilities of SASE address the demands of growing network sprawl and the challenges of digitally transforming your business.

SASE ROI Calculator

Versa has made it simple for organizations to offer Secure SD-WAN for Work-From-Home users on home appliances or working from anywhere..

Top Energy Firm Achieves Comprehensive “Work-From-Anywhere” with Versa SASE

A large, publicly traded energy company operating in all areas of the oil and gas industry has dramatically simplified their network stack and realized huge cost savings with Versa SASE.

Availability and Buying Options in the Emerging SASE Market

EMA evaluates the different SASE vendors and their approaches to architecture, go-to-market, and support for their cloud-delivered and hybrid services.

Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure

Gartner Magic Quadrant report analyzes the various vendors in the WAN edge market and Versa is positioned as a Leader.

Versa Networks - Explained in 1 minute

Learn about the Versa Secure SD-WAN solution in a high-level, one minute overview.

Versa SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)

SASE is the simplest, most scalable way to continuously secure and connect the millions points of access in and out of the corporate resources regardless of location.

Versa Secure SD-WAN – Simple, Secure, and Reliable Branch to Multi-Cloud Connectivity

Versa Secure SD-WAN is a single software platform that offers multi-layered security and enables multi-cloud connectivity for Enterprises.


Versa 集团承诺遵循、体现和拥护这些价值观。 

为了向市场交付最受欢迎且具创新性的产品,我们必须以人为本。使 Versa 变得伟大的基础是一个有激情、有活力、有竞争力且有决心的团队,他们像一家人一样运作和执行。 每天,Versa 家庭成员聚集在一起,将他们的才华与激情带入职场。为了在我们的所作所为中保持 Versa 的炽热精神,我们依照我们的关键价值观来塑造我们的身份、愿景、信念以及终极目标:我们的产品。






我将确保建立并维持团队的信任。  我将帮助每一位团队成员走向成功,从而确保我的成功。我将与我的团队携手工作,以期实现共同的公司愿景,并为实现共同的组织目标而竭尽全力。 我了解合作不但是最佳工作方式,而且是切实可行的唯一工作方式。我的团队成员之所以成为团队一员,是因为他们每个人都拥有一套技能,使我们的团队能力覆盖各个方面。


在 Versa,我明白卓越并不是特例,而是普遍的态度。 我相信卓越绝非偶然;这是高度的专注、真诚的努力、睿智的导向、娴熟的执行力和视障碍为机遇的远见共同缔造的产物。卓越并非一种行为,而是一种习惯。所谓卓越,就是运用上天赋予我们的天赋和技能,竭尽所能做到最好。

